Over Easter I took a few days off and the family went camping. After 22degrees the week before, what could go wrong?!?
Was good fun – the kids loved it. Here’s a few photos:
Here’s a pic of the tent and our wee heater – which was very handy given it was completely freezing outside. Cosy enough inside though.
Rained the whole time, so we bought these indoor shoes to keep the tent clean:
The Ipad is handy when it rains:
And Ben kept an eye on the new lambs…
The drainage wasn’t too good, and this puddle emerged at the front of the tent:
This is what it looks like when your child lands in the puddle head first :-). We couldnt help but laugh
Thing was, wasn’t long till the whole place was a puddle. I was sitting in the main tent and suddenly I heard this *BANG*. Looked out the front door and the front living area of the tent had disappeared!! It was at the other end of the campsite. The ground was so wet the pegs wouldn’t stay in the ground. I reckoned that was our cue to hit the road homewards :-). I think we will remember the trip for some time!